Public Safety Patrol 民間巡邏隊

We aim to make our community a safe home for all. 我們旨在在我們的社區建立一個守望相助的大家庭.


Started by three passionate friends in March 2021, Public Safety Patrol is a civilian patrol team that operates in Flushing, Queens, New York City. Our members have grown from 3 to 50 in just one month. We currently organize daily patrols in the neighborhood as well as provide support for hate crime victims.

我們是來自紐約法拉盛的民間巡邏隊。2021 年三月,三位對社區安全極度關注的朋友成立了這個特別小組,來反對針對亞裔的暴力攻擊。短短幾週之內,我們收到了許多華人朋友的積極響應,由原本的三個成員,我們發展成了擁有超過五十位志願者的巡邏隊伍。